Dispersion and Colonization
by Mezenc Marmots

Numerical Evolution of the Sites

The success of an introduction operation can be measured by the increase of the number of places where the animal is settled.
The graph on the right shows the number of new sites occupated by year and the cumulated number of sites.
After a stage of acclimatization which extended up to 1990, it was noted that each year new sites were observed.

The representation of the cumulative total shows a regular increasing, leading to 148 referenced sites at the end of 2024 .

Descriptive Statistics of site number increasing

PeriodTotal Nb SitesMediane by yearMean by yearTheoretic Numberincreasing rateDoubling Time
Before 19891611.6 ± 2.08101.50.46
From 1990 to 19992832.8 ± 2.04300.183.85
From 2000 to 20096866.8 ± 5.66600.154.62
Since 2010364.54.5 ± 3.21360.0417.33
2010 Forecasts50xxx450.1146.08
2020 Forecasts70xxx650.0749.36

Total Number of Sites : it represents the total number of new sites observed during the related period.
Median by year : it represents the median number m of new sites observed by year during the related period.
Mean by year : it represents the mean number of new sites by year for the related period. Mean is completed by ± the standard-error.
Theoretic Number : it represents the theoretic number of new sites for the period, calculated by multiplying the median m by the number of years n : NT = m * n
Increasing Rate : the increasing rate by period is calculated by substracting the number of sites S(t) of the starting year from the number of the last year S(t+n). The increase [S(t+n) - S(t)] is related to the whole number of known sites during the periode S(t) * n (with n = number of yearss) : TA = [S(t+n) - S(t)] / S(t) * n
Doubling Time: is the number of years necessary to have twice more sites, in an hypothesis of linear increase. It is approximated by the formula TD = ln(2) / TA.

Citation : mezenc.linneenne-lyon.org/bilsites.php - © 2012-2025, Le Berre M., Metral J. (ONCFS), Putz O. (LPO) & Ramousse R.

Dernière modification le 2019-06-21 12:01:07