Mezenc Mount culminates at 1754 m. The thalweg of the Mediterranean side lays around 800 m. The possible unlevel for marmot settlement is around 1000 m. The first releasing site was situated at 1350 m a.s.l. The mostpart of the population is currently settling between 1300 and 1500 m. We noted that, in a first time, marmots have choosen to settle higher, towards the summits and the plateau. The same trend was observed during the following period, the greatest number of installations being situated between 1200 and 1500 m whereas a few animals already settled down, up to 1100 m. The third period corroborates the interest of marmots for altitudes lower than 1600 m (the plateau lays around 1200 m). A beginning of colonization around or under the level of 1000 m is also noted.
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